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Lygeia Ricciardi

President, Clear Voice Consulting

Lygeia Ricciardi

President, Clear Voice Consulting


Lygeia Ricciardi is passionate about the use of digital technology to empower patients and consumers in the context of health. She has been at the vanguard of the patient engagement and empowerment movement for over a decade, as an entrepreneur, consultant, and in the US federal government, where she established and led pro-consumer programs and policy development at ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology). Since then, she has advised and helped to grow several startups, including Carium, a software platform that connects patients and providers within the fabric of daily life.

Lygeia was recently named one of the Most Influential Women in Health IT by HIMSS and among the Most Powerful Women in HIT by HealthData Management. She is a HIMSS Digital Influencer, a frequent blogger and speaker, and has been featured by C-SPAN, the Wall Street Journal, NPR, and Consumer Reports.

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